Take 23: Who’s Henry?

T23 Henry ContUp button

It sounds like Abbey had a really lovely time at Bree’s wedding in Italy. And it does sound romantic–the castle, the chapel, the beautiful bride, the Italian food, Henry the dog…

There’s just one part I’m not sure about: the wedding part.

Don’t get me wrong! I am a believer in true love and in life-long relationships, I’m just not sure about the whole marriage thing.

You know, I remember going to a wedding when I was about eight years old. I looked adorable in my little princess dress and fancy shoes. I don’t remember much of the ceremony. I’m not even sure I really understood what it was all about. But I knew it was about love. Everyone was smiling. I was smiling too.

Then the priest finally said the words we were all there to hear:

I now pronounce you Man and Wife. You may kiss the bride.

And he did. And just as he did, I heard my uncle say: Ugh. Another lucky woman; another man in chains.

…with which my entire romaticization of marriage came crashing down. And stayed down.

I’m not against marriage at all! Most of my friends are married. Love is a beautiful thing and worth celebrating. And if you’re going to have music, dancing, candles, flowers, and food (don’t forget the food), then I want to be first on your invitation list. I’ll cry with everyone else as you walk towards the love of your life. I’ll race to catch your bouquet. I’ll make a toast, take photos, and help you up off the floor if you’ve been drinking too much. And then I’ll help you finish the cake. But most of all, I’ll be happy that you’re happy.

It’s just that it will never be me walking down that aisle. And I’m okay with that.

All because of what my uncle said? Of course not!

But a little seed of feminism was sown that day. And for that, I thank him.

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