Take 36: What to Pack

T36 Packing ContUp
Going on holiday is all about having fun! But getting ready for a holiday can be a little bit stressful.

What should you do when you’re there? Do you schedule the whole holiday or take it day by day? Do you want to see the biggest tourist attractions or wander off the beaten path? So much to answer before you go!

But most important of all is… what should you pack!?

Well it’s easy if you’re going to Zimbabwe or Australia. And it’s equally easy if you’re heading to the tip of Alaska or to the mountains of Mongolia. But England! No chance. You’re going to get it all wrong.

English weather is not weather at all. It is a dance-off between the seasons. An early summer morning can require a big fluffy jumper. But by midday, you might be roasting in nothing but a bikini. The afternoon might start out pleasantly warm, but then a big black cloud arrives and you’re fighting people for a spot under the bus shelter to avoid getting lashed by the rain. But by evening, the sky is clear again and you plan a barbecue with friends, which then gets cancelled because the wind is too strong.

You can just never tell what British weather is going to do. So my number one tip for packing for a British holiday? LAYERS.

So, for one summer day I might choose:

  • a skirt
  • a vest top
  • sandals
  • sunglasses
  • sun cream

Then I would carry the following:

  • leggings for under the skirt
  • a shirt for over the vest
  • a cardigan or jumper for over the shirt
  • an umbrella (for rain)
  • hair brush (for wind)

Then I also like to have:

  • plasters (for long walks)
  • medicine (for headaches)
  • anti-bacterial gel (for hygiene)
  • glasses (for maps and signposts)
  • nail file (for emergencies)
  • a large enough handbag to carry all this!

Truthfully, though, I think we all get a little too concerned about what we wear on our holiday. We like to look nice, of course, but we do look nice when we feel comfortable no matter which season is winning the dance-off!

So tip number two for packing: KEEP IT SIMPLE AND GO FOR COMFORT!

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