Take 52: Walk in the Woods

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It’s amazing what a little bit of time in nature can do for you.

Lenka and I decided to go away for a long weekend. To get out of Prague and to give our minds a break from normal life. Neither of us is complaining, though, we love our lives. But sometimes you need to get away to get a bit of perspective.

So we checked our calendars and found a weekend when neither of us had anything booked and we did a quick search on Airbnb for places that matched our requirements:

  • Not too expensive
  • Not too far from Prague
  • Easy to get to by bus
  • Allows pets (Misty was coming with us!)
  • As close as possible to nature

We found a sweet little studio flat right next to the Brdy forest and we booked it straight away.

It certainly was easy to get to and it was a lovely little place. We arrived late on Thursday, so we walked to the little Potraviny just down the road and bought some things to make dinner with. That night, we stayed inside and cooked and talked about everything; life, relationships, family, pets, work, Prague, England, and, of course, Lights Camera English.

The next morning, the weather was beautiful. A truly perfect example of an Indian summer. So we grabbed our camera, put on our walking shoes, and headed outside. It wasn’t long before we were deep in the forest, the tall trees towering up above us and the moss carpeting our path.

I think now is a good time to say that the video slightly misrepresents my true feelings towards being in nature. I absolutely love it. In fact, when I visit my parents in Ascot, I like to walk around their wooded garden as silently as possible to encourage the birds, rabbits, foxes and even deer to come out of hiding and share some magic moments with me. Granted, there are no bears in their garden…

Lenka and I had some fantastic conversations as we walked. We never seem to run out of things to talk about! But I could feel a strange energy in me. Like my energy was clashing with the energy of the forest. It was as if Prague life was still buzzing around me, keeping my mind occupied and my soul distracted. It took nearly two hours before this feeling left me. And when it did, it was as if I „landed“. As if I had finally allowed the nature to affect me and for me to truly be in that forest. That was a wonderful feeling. I let it in.

The rest of the walk was so peaceful. We kept stopping to observe how silent it was. How far from civilisation we had been transported. It was almost a shame when we found ourselves on the last stretch of the path towards our little flat. But we had been walking for five hours and were quite tired.

And what a perfect kind of tired that was. Not mentally tired from meetings and work. Not emotionally tired from relationships and stress. But physically tired and mentally and emotionally at peace.

I’m so glad I was finally able to let nature in and affect me. I was worried that the feeling would disappear once I returned to Prague, but it hasn’t. I feel so relaxed and calm. I am able to look at problems from new angles. I’m able to find patience where I had none. And I’m reconnecting with a part of myself that is often lost in all the business of daily life.

A little bit of nature goes a long way.

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