Take 62: Tiger Oasis

T62 Tiger ContUp

Have you ever had one of those very normal days that suddenly turns out to be extraordinary?

Well, that’s what this day was like for me.

I was feeling kind of sad and moody. I didn’t really want to spend time with people. I had been travelling with the group for nearly four weeks and needed some time to myself. The last thing I wanted to do was see majestic animals in cramped cages, pacing up and down in a depressed and manic state.

Then I heard the magic word: sanctuary.

These tigers are not prisoners from the wild, they have been set free from abuse. They are not able to live in the wild. They need care. And this place is like a mini-paradise for them.

I was the first person in the car.

And when the words „stroke“ and „tiger“ were mentioned. I was the first person out of the car when we got there.

My very ordinary day turned into something I will never forget.

I’m so glad I didn’t let my closed mind and bad mood take that away from me.

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