Take 35: Things to Do

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I am so excited about our trip to England. I want to make the most of our time there. But I hate planning anything!

In normal life, I’m pretty good at planning. I do it all the time. But that’s the point! I don’t want to have to plan my holiday too! I’m supposed to be on holiday.

Abbey and I have agreed that she will do all the planning for our trip and I will be happy with whatever she plans. And I will.

She says there are so many places we can visit, things we can do, and food we can try. And no matter what schedule she comes up with, I’ll be happy.

As long as we go to the gardens. I love gardens. I always make sure I see the local park or botanical gardens wherever I go.

Oh, and I really like the sound of Windsor. I’ve seen so many pictures of the castle; it looks magnificent. Apparently England is dotted with all sorts of manor houses and castles, so I’d be really pleased to fit one of those in!

I don’t care much for shopping, but I wouldn’t want to miss out on the coffee shops in town, so I want to be included in that. And the walk along the Thames sounds nice, too. Oh and that market! I absolutely adore markets. It’s one of my favourite things to do on holiday.

And talking of food, it would be a shame to go to England and not sample one of their famous Afternoon Teas. I’ve heard so much about them. And I simply have to try the local dish: fish and chips covered in salt and vinegar!

No, but really, I don’t mind at all what Abbey plans.

I might just make a few small suggestions.

No, she’s in charge.

Maybe I could create a mini-schedule.

It wouldn’t take too long.

Or just a proper schedule.

I might as well!

I’ll do that.

Then I’ll send it to Abbey 🙂

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