Take 8: Thanksgiving

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We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in the Czech Republic, but I lived in the US for a while and fell in love with the holiday.
A whole day dedicated to food, family and fun! What’s not to love? But my favourite part is the „giving thanks“ bit.
I love to spend the day thinking about all the things I’m grateful for, and there are so many-my kids, my friends, my home… my life!
Last year I decided to celebrate the day by inviting friends over for Thanksgiving dinner. Before eating, we talked about all the things that we were thankful for. We had all brought different food to share. We were a very international mix of people so the meal wasn’t very traditional, but it was shared with love and was delicious.
It was a very cold day, I remember, but everyone left with a full belly and a warm heart.
I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving every year. But when I do, it’s very special.

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