Don’t Poop In The Rocks – Audio Story
Don’t Poop In The Rocks: A2 In a national park, there was a strange problem. The park was in the mountains and was very beautiful. Many people visited the park to see the rocks
Don’t Poop In The Rocks: A2 In a national park, there was a strange problem. The park was in the mountains and was very beautiful. Many people visited the park to see the rocks
Umělá inteligence vás dokáže učit anglicky! ChatGPT umí poradit s psaním, čtením, mluvením, porozuměním, gramatikou i slovní zásobou. Úplný návod.
Když se studentů ptám, co chtějí v angličtině nejvíc zlepšit, nejtypičtější odpovědi jsou: Porozumění. Slovní zásobu. Gramatiku. A hlavně: naučit se mluvit, začít komunikovat, domluvit se! I když MLUVENÍ je tím nejčastějším cílem studentů angličtiny, je
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I have endless memories of my mother trying to find things in her handbag. And I gather more memories every day. I’ve begun to think of her as only having 1.5 arms. Because most
I have to admit: I love watching TV! I mean, TV has got so good in the past few years! Streaming on sites like Netflix makes my heart flutter. And I prefer watching TV
I decided to do a bit of research into why it can be so difficult to recall someone’s name. And I found a few facts that make me feel a lot better about it!
There is a theatre saying: „The show must go on“. It means that no matter what happens, come hell or high water, finishing the show as best you can is of utmost importance. And
You know what? I’ve been feeling a bit down in the dumps recently. Things are stressful with my family and my work life is uncomfortably quiet right now. Michael J. Fox said a very
Now, I don’t want you to assume from this video that an actor’s life is super easy. We get picked up at 5 am and we wait around most of the day (and there