Take 32: Royal Wedding

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It’s very interesting that the Royal wedding was held in May. The Czech Republic does not have a royal family, but if it did, they would never even think about getting married in May. In fact, no one would! It’s bad luck.
In the Czech Republic it is said that if a couple gets married in May, one of them will die within a year! (…I can see now why Abbey thinks all Czech superstitions are dark.)
Even though it sounds ludicrous, hardly anyone gets married in May here. But it’s such a shame!
The weather is always beautiful. It’s usually sunny, but it’s not too hot and it’s not too cold. So it’s warm enough to be outside but still cool enough to dance. The weather is important! (Abbey’s Britishness must be rubbing off on me!) And the flowers in spring are stunning. Did you see Meghan’s beautiful bouquet?
In fact the whole planet is buzzing with love! Bunnies are venturing out of their burrows, lambs are playing in the fields, and ducklings are preening themselves in glistening ponds. We even have lovers day in May!
It’s the perfect time to get married!
I do like some Czech traditions but I think maybe we should reconsider this one.

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