Take 16: Lenka’s Dream

T16 Dreams ContUp

Have you ever had a crazy dream that you just had to tell someone? Have you ever had one so insane that you couldn’t tell anyone?

I know I make fun of Lenka for her crazy dream, but to be honest… I have always had crazy dreams. Ever since I was little.

I remember as a girl, coming into the kitchen for breakfast before school and telling anyone who would listen about the wild and wonderful night-time adventure I’d had. I’d get all kinds of reactions, and from these I’d work out if it was worth telling my friends at school:

  • Wow. (probably)
  • A giraffe? Really? (only my best friends)
  • And how long had the miniature world been inside the tumble dryer? (might keep to myself)

More often than not, though, I started to hear them say: You know, you should write your dreams down!

I took this to mean that they were of vital importance to the world and would one day be analysed by philosophers for the meaning of life. What, in fact, they meant was… Please write them somewhere instead of telling me!

I tried for a while, but there were so many and my hand got tired. (Yes, this was before home computers were a thing.)

But slowly, as I got older, I stopped sharing every detail with my long-suffering family. And, faster than I would have liked, the dreams became less interesting and less frequent. In fact, I now go days without a crazy dream to speak of!

I did start to work out what some of my dreams were about, though! Like, when I dream about wild animals, I know that I’m starting to feel overwhelmed emotionally. When I dream about forgetting a telephone number, I know I need to work on better communication. When I dream about not being able to turn on a light, I know it’s time to wake up because a nightmare is about to begin! Luckily, I can usually wake myself up before it starts.

It’s handy to be able to have that kind of symbolic conversation with your subconscious, don’t you agree? Have you ever analysed your dreams?

I have no idea what Lenka’s dream might mean. Do you?

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