Take 57: Happiness

T47 Happiness ContUp

You know what? I’ve been feeling a bit down in the dumps recently. Things are stressful with my family and my work life is uncomfortably quiet right now.

Michael J. Fox said a very smart thing:

„My happiness grows in direct proportion to my acceptance, and in inverse proportion to my expectations.”

So we first need to accept where we are and the feelings we’re feeling. And then we need to stop comparing where we are with where we think we should be. We need to erase the definition of what we think „happy“ is…. and just be.

Well, I like that. And we should always listen to time-travellers; they know things.

So something I thought might help me, was to list the little things that make me happy:

  1. My cat’s wet nose on my cheek
  2. Clean teeth
  3. A fresh cup of tea
  4. A night in, watching Jane The Virgin
  5. An afternoon with Lenka
  6. Coming into the warm from the cold
  7. Fresh bed sheets
  8. Hearing the wind in the trees
  9. A bit of chilli on everything
  10. Finding money in my pocket 🙂

OK, that last one doesn’t happen very regularly. (I wish it did!) but this little list of everyday moments of happiness helps me see that I’m one of the luckiest people alive.

It’s not there to make me feel ungrateful just because right now I’m feeling sad. But it can remind me that happiness doesn’t have to be a huge wave of emotion or come from an amazing achievement. It can be the simplest things that we sometimes take for granted. It can be something someone else might consider mundane. It can be something so small, that you realise it makes up most of your day.

Sure, I can still dream of the day I win an Oscar, or buy a house, run a marathon, or save a life!

But right now, sipping tea as I climb next to Misty in my clean sheets and listen to the wind outside will do just fine.

How happy we can be when we take our definition of happiness away!

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