Take 5: Halloween!?

Lenka likes saying „Boo!“ She says she doesn’t celebrate Halloween, but she goes around saying „Boo“ to everyone. Even the cat! I think she secretly loves Halloween.

And if I’m honest, so do I.

I miss celebrating it. When I was little, my bother and I carved pumpkins and put candles inside. We ate warm bowls of pumpkin soup with thick slices of crusty bread. We dressed up in silly costumes and went out to meet friends. Sometimes we went trick-or-treating. My brother and I were good at it and we always came home with loads of sweets. Then we sat in the living room and swapped the ones we didn’t like for ones we did and we were both very happy.  Neither of us were very good at bobbing for apples, though. Do you know that game? You have to get an apple out of a bucket of water using only your mouth! I mean, they’re apples! Why bother when you have a whole bag of sweets waiting for you?

Halloween is a great holiday.

Nowadays, I don’t really celebrate. I don’t even do fancy-dress. But that’s okay, because getting dressed in silly costumes is all part of my job! 😉

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