Take 6: What’s in the Fridge?

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My boys are always complaining that my fridge is empty. It’s not empty! There’s plenty of food in there if you know what to do with it. You need to know the combinations.

They see milk, eggs and jam and think „empty“. I see milk, eggs and jam and think“pancakes“.

They see some carrots, some beets and some onions and think „empty“. I see these things and think of 100 different ways that I can cook them and 100 different things I can serve them with.

My fridge isn’t empty. It’s full of possibilities.

But my children don’t see things the way I do. They would prefer for the fridge to be filled with doughnuts, cheesecake, autumn crumble and things like that. Well, Abbey is coming over soon and she’s bringing some pumpkin pie! The boys love pumpkin pie. Perhaps we can put it in the fridge and leave it for them… we’ll see.

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