I love spring time. The sun finally wakes up, the flowers start to bloom, and I can go out without first putting on 14 layers of clothing!
And I adore the Easter holiday. Easter in the Czech Republic lasts nearly a week!
Ugly (Spy) Wednesday is when schools break so children can help clean and make things pretty for Easter. Green (Maundy) Thursday is traditionally a day on which no meat is eaten but plenty of green vegetables… or green beer, of course. Good Friday is a national holiday. Then on White Saturday (also called the “Day of Light”) boys in the villages go around shaking rattles in return for gifts of money. Many people attend mass on Easter Sunday, but the main day is Easter Monday… Lenka told me all about the Czech Easter Monday tradition and I must say I’m not sure I like it.
But Prague looks beautiful at Easter time. Many of the trees are decorated with ribbons and eggs and the squares are all full of little Easter markets, consisting of rows of pretty little wooden huts that sell the most beautifully decorated blown eggs you’ve ever seen. Red is an important colour at Easter as it symbolises the energy of new life.
You can also enjoy performances by local schools and folk dancers while you munch on freshly made pancakes filled with jam. It’s really quite fun!
And Lenka’s tree looked so lovely when we were finished. I think I’ll pop along to my local market tomorrow and get some eggs and willow branches and make my own one!
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